
Welcome to API Advertising

Welcome to the dawn of a new era in advertising – where innovation meets opportunity.
At [GRIDEB SERVICES AND RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED], we're excited to introduce you to the
transformative world of API Advertising.

MLMTrend API Documentation

API Endpoint

Endpoint: POST https://mlmtrend.org/api/values

Request Payload

{ "companykey": "yourcompanykey",
"companysecret": "yourcompanysecret",
"add": "Product XYZ",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "ABC Corp",
"use": "This product provides a solution for...",
"no": "9010100100",
"url": "https://example.com",
"userid": "HW1000123",
"logourl": "https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png",
"bgurl": "https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png" }

Consuming the API in Different Languages


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"companykey": "yourcompanykey",
"companysecret": "yourcompanysecret",
"add": "Product XYZ",
"name": "John Doe",
"company": "ABC Corp",
"use": "This product provides a solution for...",
"no": "9010100100",
"url": "https://example.com",
"userid": "HW1000123",
"logourl": "https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png",
"bgurl": "https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png"
}' https://mlmtrend.org/api/values


Welcome to the frontier of advertising innovation. In the world of digital marketing, the utilization of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in PHP has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their audiences and market their brands.

<?php $data = array( 'companykey' => 'yourcompanykey', 'companysecret' => 'yourcompanysecret', 'add' => 'Product XYZ', 'name' => 'John Doe', 'company' => 'ABC Corp', 'use' => 'This product provides a solution for...', 'no' => '9010100100', 'url' => 'https://example.com', 'userid' => 'HW1000123', 'logourl' => 'https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png', 'bgurl' => 'https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png' ); $options = array( 'http' => array( 'header' => "Content-type: application/json", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => json_encode($data) ) ); $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents('https://mlmtrend.org/api/values', false, $context); echo $result; ?>

.NET (C#)

In the dynamic realm of digital advertising, the integration of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has emerged as a transformative force. For businesses operating within the .NET environment, leveraging APIs for advertising opens a gateway to a realm of unparalleled opportunities.

// Add System.Net.Http reference to your project using System; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var data = new { companykey = "yourcompanykey", companysecret = "yourcompanysecret", add = "Product XYZ", name = "John Doe", company = "ABC Corp", use = "This product provides a solution for...", no = "9010100100", url = "https://example.com", userid = "HW1000123", logourl = "https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png", bgurl = "https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png" }; var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var response = await client.PostAsync("https://mlmtrend.org/api/values", content); var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine(responseContent); } } }


In the realm of digital advertising, the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has become a game-changer, offering unparalleled capabilities for businesses to enhance their marketing efforts. Java, known for its robustness and versatility, serves as an excellent platform for integrating APIs and leveraging their potential for advertising.

import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String endpoint = "https://mlmtrend.org/api/values"; String jsonInputString = "{\"companykey\": \"yourcompanykey\",\"companysecret\":\"yourcompanysecret\", \"add\":\"Product XYZ\",\"name\":\"John Doe\",\"company\": \"ABC Corp\",\"use\":\"This product provides a solution for...\", \"no\":\"9010100100\",\"url\":\"https://example.com\",\"userid\": \"HW1000123\",\"logourl\":\"https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png\",\"bgurl\":\"https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png\"}"; URL url = new URL(endpoint); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setDoOutput(true); try (OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream()) { byte[] input = jsonInputString.getBytes("utf-8"); os.write(input, 0, input.length); } int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); System.out.println("Response Code: " + responseCode); } }


Python, renowned for its simplicity and versatility, has emerged as a powerful tool for integrating advertising through APIs. This dynamic programming language offers a gateway to seamless API integration, transforming the way businesses manage and optimize their advertising campaigns.

import requests import json url = "https://mlmtrend.org/api/values" payload = { "companykey": "yourcompanykey", "companysecret": "yourcompanysecret", "add": "Product XYZ", "name": "John Doe", "company": "ABC Corp", "use": "This product provides a solution for...", "no": "9010100100", "url": "https://example.com", "userid": "HW1000123", "logourl": "https://mlmtrend.org/logo.png", "bgurl": "https://mlmtrend.org/images/diwali.png" } headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) print("Response Code:", response.status_code) print("Response Body:", response.text)



In the world of modern web development, ReactJS stands out as a powerful and versatile framework, enabling developers to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces with ease.
Integrating advertising functionalities through APIs in a ReactJS environment presents an exciting opportunity to revolutionize how businesses connect with their audiences.

// Using fetch fetch('https://api.advertisement-mlm.com/advertisements/create', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' }, body: JSON.stringify({ product: 'Sample Product', description: 'Description of the product' }) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error(error));


In the dynamic realm of advertising, the need for robust and efficient technology solutions is paramount. Enter Node.js—an innovative, server-side JavaScript runtime that has
revolutionized the way APIs are developed and utilized for advertising purposes.

const axios = require('axios'); axios.post('https://api.advertisement-mlm.com/advertisements/create', { product: 'Sample Product', description: 'Description of the product' }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' } }) .then(response => { console.log(response.data); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); });


In the realm of digital marketing, AngularJS has emerged as a powerful framework, revolutionizing web applications. With its flexibility and versatility, it has also become
a crucial tool for integrating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to enhance advertising strategies.

$http({ method: 'POST', url: 'https://api.advertisement-mlm.com/advertisements/create', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' }, data: { product: 'Sample Product', description: 'Description of the product' } }).then(function(response) { console.log(response.data); }).catch(function(error) { console.error(error); });